Our first annual Bananas for Boobies: Bake it Happen Breast Cancer Awareness campaign was so successful that we've already starting drafting (and soliciting partners) for an even bigger program in 2014! We are truly overwhelmed by the level of support we received from all over the country. What started out as a small idea hatched on the back of a napkin between my sister and me turned into a campaign that, while only restricted to residents of the US, spread to Canada and overseas to the United Kingdom, Mexico City and the Phillippines. It … [Read more...]
Meatless Appetizers
photo courtesy of Bush & Company I feel the holidays lurking around the corner. Some retail stores are already displaying Christmas trees with tinsel everywhere. Weren't they supposed to wait until after Black Friday to bring out the festive holiday baubles? Wow, so much for living in the moment. November is the perfect time to test run appetizers to be served for Thanksgiving and the winter holidays. Have you ever wracked your brain trying to solve the issue of finding non-greasy, meatless appetizers to serve? Pigs n' … [Read more...]
The Perfect Halloween Treat
photo credit: Claire Abenante Two days left to bake for good. Celebrate Halloween and Bake it Happen with us. Go to www.bananasforboobies.com to receive Judy's celebrated Banana Chocolate Chip Loaf recipe. 1. BAKE it 2. SHARE it 3. SEND your pictures to Bananasforboobies@gmail.com (or upload it to Facebook Page @Bake it Happen) 4. $$$$$ will get DONATED to the Breast Cancer Research Association of America! Now, that's certainly the SWEETEST TREAT of ALL. … [Read more...]
Today is Judy’s Birthday
Today would have been Judy's (mom's) 71st birthday. Five years ago this month, she passed away from Metastatic Breast Cancer. How ironic that not only is October her birthday month and the month she died but, it's also Breast Cancer Awareness Month. While Judy is no longer physically here with us, she's been filling our kitchen's and hearts with her cherished recipes. Together, let's try to give back using one of her most celebrated recipes. Please help us go BANANAS for BOOBIES and BAKE it HAPPEN for Breast Cancer. Check out … [Read more...]