While I like to say Hanukkah is my kids’ favorite Jewish holiday, I’ve never really admitted it’s mine too. I truly enjoy turning out the lights after dinner to light the candles of the menorah and to sing the festive holiday songs. Not surprisingly, my kids adore the holiday for the gift-giving. We aspire to give a little gift every night. For another year in a row, I was hell-bent on making Latkes from scratch. After all, I was stocked with the necessary ingredients (even some Matzoh meal leftovers from last Passover) and I was eager … [Read more...]
Honey Cake
Happy New Year to all of my Jewish readers. In keeping with tradition, we're wishing everyone a very sweet New Year. To celebrate and commemorate (with a recipe that's soo good you'll bake it all year long), we have an amazing Honey Cake recipe that comes from guest blogger Jennie Burke. Jennie is a freelance writer, homemaker, wife and mother from Annapolis, MD. She’s interested in real food and its role in human development. She also runs a fund that supports low-income young adults facing cancer. She loves being with friends and … [Read more...]
Matzoh Brei (Omelette)
To be honest, Passover can get old fairly quickly. For my kids, it's a struggle to find foods that they are "allowed" to eat on this holiday. My daughter has compromised. She's decided she just won't eat bread. However, my son is devout. He's reading the ingredient labels in his foods to make sure he's not "breaking Passover." It seems for me, the most challenging meal to prepare is our carb-laden breakfasts. The idea of eating matzoh for breakfast and school lunch for eight days seems daunting for a kid. One of my favorite recipes of … [Read more...]
Passover: Brownies
Ahem. Take one look at these brownies and you tell me....do they look kosher for Passover to you? How can you tell they don't contain any flour or baking powder? Well, you can't tell... Absolutely NOTHING in these brownies is sacrificed. Not looks. Not even taste. That's right my friends. Another simple, easy, Passover dessert that plays nice with your taste buds. … [Read more...]