Mango Guacamole

Apparently tomorrow, November 13th, is National Guacamole Day. I'm not quite sure who coins these days but, if it gives me another excuse to make and celebrate guacamole then, I'm happy. It's hard to believe 3 years ago I had never even purchased avocados from the store.  Now I feel as though they're staples on my kitchen counter.  It's also rare that you'll find me without one or two avocados ripening in a brown paper bag in the pantry. I still enjoy watching one of my first videos on "How to Make Guacamole": if you're reading this … [Read more...]

Brazilian Shrimp Soup

  Today's recipe comes from Serena- author of the soup blog Seriously Soupy.  Since the blog started, Serena has given soup tours and has taught soup classes and has a catalog of over 100 soups on the site!  You can join Serena on her Soupy journey at and twice a month you can find her here, at My Judy the Foodie, sharing her wisdom and helping demystify the world of soup. Here's what Serena has to say: I first learned about this quick soup recipe from my run-down about National Soup Month. I loved how easy … [Read more...]

Grilled and Chilled Peach Soup

Even though I'm starting to get solicitous emails for Halloween costumes, I refuse, on August 1st, to admit that summer is ever ending. The farm stands are bursting with a cornucopia of fresh fruits, veggies and herbs. The corn is almost as high as an elephant's eye. The frothy surf is just a tad bit warmer. In my mind, summer is FINALLY here. To celebrate the season, I've been thoroughly enjoying grilling fruits and vegetables outside.  Have you grilled any Kale yet?  Watch my video: if reading via email or reader, head to … [Read more...]

Green Pea Guacamole

Is there anything better than freshly-made guacamole in the summertime? I’m talking ripe avocados with some onions, cilantro, tomatoes and hot sauce. I now make fresh guacamole every single weekend and still can’t believe how much money I’m saving by not purchasing those over-priced tubs from the grocery. I’m hoping you’ve seen my video on how to make quacamole? If not, watch here, it’s way too easy:   Last week I was making dinner with a friend and we decided to shake up our traditional guacamole routine and add sweet … [Read more...]