To continue our Passover culinary journey this week, I’m featuring another delicious recipe from Gloria Kobrin. Remember, while these recipes are kosher for Passover, that doesn’t have to mean they lack taste! In fact, they’re so delicious, you will find yourself baking them all year long.
Gloria has cooked her whole life for groups ranging from four to 100. She specializes in creating delicious gourmet food that is approachable to the home cook and that also happens to be Kosher. Gloria is the author of the Kosher Cookbook App for iPhone and iPad and has just launched her new website: www.kosherbygloria.com. She shares her recipes and cooking tips on her Kosher Cookbook page on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/KosherCookbookApp, on Twitter.com/Koshercookbook as well as on Instagram and on Pinterest.
Here’s what Gloria has to say:
This is a gluten-free chocolate cake that uses ground nuts instead of flour. I usually don’t like preserves with cake but, in this case, I made an exception. The apricot preserves add just the right amount of moisture and sweetness that this recipe needs. As an added bonus, you can make this cake two days in advance and keep it in the fridge until serving time!
Flourless Chocolate Cake with Apricot Filling
- 8 inch cake (12 Servings)
- 10 large eggs room temperature
- 1 1/4 cups + 3 ounces unsalted pecans
- 2/3 cup Sugar
- 8 ounces non dairy semi sweet chocolate use chips or chop chocolate bar coarsely
- 1/4 teaspoon Cream of Tartar
- 2/3 cup apricot peserves
- Preheat oven to: 350 F.
- Spread two tablespoons soft margarine around the bottom and sides of spring form pan.
- Pulse 1/4 cup pecans in processor until they are very fine. Sprinkle the sides of the pan with ground nuts. Set aside.
- Separate eggs. Place whites in bowl of electric mixer. and yolks in mixing bowl.
- Whisk sugar into eggs.
- Place chocolate and remaining margarine in microwave safe bowl or in the top of a double boiler. Melt chocolate until it is smooth when stirred. If using a double boiler, remember to stir chocolate and margarine as it melts over the hot water. If using microwave-timing depends on the strength of your machine. Start at 2 minutes and check it. Add 30 seconds at a time until chocolate is smooth when stirred. Let chocolate cool a few minutes before whisking it into egg-sugar mixture until it is well blended. Remove one cup of chocolate mixture to use later for frosting.
- Pulse three ounces of nuts until they have the consistency of flour. Stir into remaining chocolate mixture. Set aside.
- Using wire whisk attachment, beat eggwhites in mixer until foamy. Add cream of tartar. Continue beating on medium-high speed until whites are stiff not dry. They should hold their shape when a spatula cuts through them.
- Stir one quarter of the beaten whites into the chocolate-nut mixture. Fold in the remaining whites gently. Pour cake batter into prepared pan. Place on bottom shelf of oven and bake 45-50 minutes or until center of cake springs back when touched. The cake will have risen like a souffle. Remove spring form pan from oven and place on cake rack. Run long spatula around the outside of the cake so that it falls evenly. Cool completely before removing outside rim from cake.
- Line a cake platter with four 4 inch strips of waxed paper.
- Using serrated knife, cut the cake into two round layers. Rest the top layer on waxed paper and then slide the bottom layer onto the waxed paper strips. Spread the apricot preserves over the bottom layer. Place remaining layer on top. Frost the sides and the top of the cake with reserved frosting.
- Coarsely chop remaining pecans. Pat pecans around the sides of the cake. Serve at room temperature or cold.
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